

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Enjoying My Break!

It’s been 2 weeks since I had Chemo. I have really enjoyed this break, last week my mom and dad teased me about missing my apt! 
I have been going to school almost every day since my last chemo. I even started walking into school all by myself! For me this was huge since I was so scared and nervous to go alone, but one day I got out of the van all by myself and walked in. My mom was very happy and proud of me, I also haven’t been sad or cried at school since then. On Feb. 2nd I lost my 4th tooth! I was at the table eating dinner when I somehow bumped my mouth on the salt shaker…. which knocked out my front tooth. It was already loose and very ready to come out it was just taking a long time. It hurt and started bleeding a lot but I was glad it was gone after a couple days, now I can eat better and my mom says I talk funny!
I got to go to my friend Phoebe’s Birthday party a couple weeks ago. I was excited but also nervous but had such a great time. She had a unicorn party and we did lots of fun things. I came home and told my mom how much fun I had and how her daddy was silly and making us all laugh!!
I still get tired often and take a nap almost every day but I’m happy that I am healthy enough to go to school and play with my friends.  

(Mom) Reece has made HUGE milestones and improvements since her last chemo. I am just so happy and proud of her. She is really enjoying this break as we all are! She started going to school without crying and even walking into the classroom by herself. The first day this happened I was in total amazement and just screaming inside. This small step was a HUGE leap for her. I immediately called Clinton and told him what had just happened. I honestly thought it was just a fluke but she has gone in by herself every day since and even allowed Jessica to take her to school.
I am so grateful Reece is strong and healthy enough to be able to go to school, play with friends and get out as often as we can. I was worried that being winter and all the bugs that go around during these months would make it very hard for us to go out. It’s been an amazing winter for us as far as not passing the usual bugs that typically go around the neighborhood. Reece had that one small bug a few weeks back but until yesterday none of us in this house have had so much as a cold, cough or running nose. I look at it as the biggest blessing for Reece. The common cold for anyone not battling cancer is hard enough but with her immune system very suppressed it would be much, much worse on her body. Yesterday I woke up with a very sore throat and aches so I stayed in bed and kept my distance from Reece. Feeling good today and hope that the bug I had will not pass to anyone else in the house. Just 17 days until baby brother comes. The kids are anxiously waiting for his arrival!

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